Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blueberry Brown Sugar Plain Cake

OK I admit it... I'm bad at keeping up on the blog. I love the baking and taking the pictures but when it comes to sitting down to share my baked good with the interweb I just don't want to.

So here I am... two weeks later and I have 6 recipes to share with you. Sorry all my loyal fans (hi Mom!)... I'll try to be better.

I had to whip egg whites again and this time I didn't screw the whole thing up. This cake was easy to make and looked like it tasted pretty good.

Jeremy had it the first day and said it tasted great (with of course his constant caveat that it would be better with blackberries).
I left it overnight wrapped and went to cut it in the morning to bring to work. It seemed to get a bit soggy so I decided not to bring it in. This is for sure an eat it the day you make it kind of thing.

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