Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sour Cream Pumpkin Tart

If you read my previous post, Sweet Tart Dough, you'll see how to make the dough for this tart. After that it's super easy. Just mix all the ingredients together. Dorie suggests you put everything into the food processor for 2 minutes but if you read the dough post you know I don't have one. So, I whisked my little heart out and got a nice creamy batter.

It was amazing... so smooth and delicious. Jeremy is not a major pumpkin fan but he gave this one a really great review. He declared it the "best pumpkin pie/tart ever" (he posted that on Facebook so it has to be the truth) and that made me about as happy as a baker can be.

I topped it with whipped cream but you'll have to read the next post to see that picture.

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