Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sweet Tart Dough

Ahh Thanksgiving... now that I'm baking I was really excited for the holiday to come because I knew I would be able to make something like a pie or a cake. Thanksgiving and Pumpkin Pie go together like a wink and a smile (peanut butter and jelly, peas and carrots and all those kinds of things). I'm making a Sour Cream Pumpkin Tart so you start with the sweet tart dough. We don't yet have a food processor but I decided I could use our mini prep... I couldn't. Too much stuff, not enough room. I threw my hands in the air, declared Thanksgiving ruined and dissolved into a fit of tears. No I didn't.
I did however say it just wasn't going to work and figured I was running to the store to buy a pre-made pie crust on Thanksgiving morning. Jeremy stepped in and saved the day. With a bit of elbow grease and a reminder that people didn't always have food processors he was able to make the dough come together.

You press the dough into the pan and all the way up the sides and then freeze for at least a half hour.
Then you butter a piece of foil, press it into the dough and bake for 25 min.

Take it out and you have a nice yellow partially baked crust... let it cool all the way and then you can fill it.

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