Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cornmeal Shortbread Cookies

I went to Florida last weekend to see my family. I had a great time with my nieces and now I'm going to show them off. They are awesome! I was hoping to bake with them but it wasn't in the cards this time. I left some recipes down there and hopefully my sister will bake them!

These cookies rocked! I was having trouble with shortbread so I was kinda concerned but I think the cornmeal helped with the consistency so much... pretty sure I'll always be making them with a cornmeal base from now on. I also kept in the fridge for 4 hours instead of the 2 she suggests. She also has you lower the temperature to 300 degrees after you preheat to 350 and I think that really makes a difference.

Don't they look good? They kept their shape and they tasted so good. I also got to us my zester for the first time. That was exciting and I took a really cute picture but as I explained in my earlier post my phone fell and took my cute pictures with it to phone heaven.

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