Sunday, November 4, 2012

Coffee Break Muffins

 Hurricane Sandy came through this past week.... we were incredibly lucky with no home damage and no loss of power. Some family members were not as lucky and they still sit with no power 7 days later. We are all considering ourselves blessed as we are safe and alive. As I work in the medical industry I had an incredibly tough week at work dealing with the aftermath of the storm. I have spent my days working through all that and my nights reading articles and looking at pictures. I took a selfish break this weekend and baked to get my mind off of it.

I went to a local Italian market, Carlino's, on Saturday and got a nice dark roast coffee to use in this recipe.

The muffins came out nice however after breaking into one I thought they were a bit dry.

                                                         (Love the steam in this picture...)

Jeremy agreed so today I found a cinnamon icing recipe and made it to drizzle on top. I couldn't get the right consistency so I didn't quite drizzle but I think it did the job.

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