Sunday, September 16, 2012

Midnight Crackles

This was my first time melting chocolate on the stove top. I also got to use another one of our amazing Le Creuset pot/pans so that was fun.

 Melt the butter, brown sugar and chocolate in the pan. Add the eggs and dry ingredients and you get a nice shiny dough.

After about an hour in the fridge you are ready to bake... she says it's ok to leave it in the fridge for up to 2 days but I read a few reviews and multiple people said it was best to bake right after the hour so the dough didn't get too hard.

No problems baking...

Roll the dough into little balls, give em a quick pat to smoosh them down and in the oven they go.

My verdict: These cookies are eh. I would think between the melted chocolate and the cocoa powder they would be super chocolately but they aren't. Good texture but they just didn't blow me away.

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